2 Happy New Year HIPAA Gifts for You on Our Premium Member Section: HIPAA & HITECH Act Blog by Jonathan P. Tomes


In case one of your New Year’s resolutions was to finish your HIPAA Risk Analysis, you’re in luck. Because so many of you have asked for a shorter version of our Risk Analysis ToolKit, the one that is on the HIPAA Documents Resource Center CD, 6th edition, I have shortened and simplified it, and it is now posted for you on the Premium Member section of our website, at veteranspress.com, as an editable Word® document.

In case you are stuck inside during this cold and snowy winter and would like a good read to snuggle up with on the couch under a blanket, you’re also in luck. For those of you who enjoyed my book HIPAA Hysteria, whether in trade paperback, on your Kindle, or chapter by chapter on the Premium Member section of our website, you may now enjoy the sequel, HITECH Hysteria. The first 20 pages of it are now on the Premium Member section of our website at veteranspress.com. It will be some time before it is available in trade paperback or on Kindle, so we will be posting a couple of chapters every few weeks for you.

If you would like for me to review your Risk Analysis, either the long or the shorter version, write a report for you, and discuss it with you on the phone, for $500, either order the online version on our website or contact my vice president, Alice McCart, at alice@veteranspress.com or on her cell at 443-285-2016 to set it up for you.

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